Submitting a complaint

Before a complaint can be submitted, a number of requirements must be met:

  • Your complaint must concern a private customer relationship.
  • The complaint may concern all aspects of the relationship between you and the financial institution, including matters occurring before an actual customer relationship was established.
  • The Complaint Board may refuse to handle your complaint if it does not concern an issue related to a specific financial dispute.
  • The Complaint Board may handle complaints from businesses if the complaint does not differ significantly from a complaint concerning a private customer relationship.
  • The Complaint Board does not handle complaints from companies.
  • Before submitting a complaint to the Complaint Board, you must have complained to the financial institution and had your complaint dismissed, received an unsatisfactory answer or no answer to your complaint within five weeks of the financial institution’s receipt of your complaint. All financial institutions have a complaints manager. Your branch can tell you who this person is.
  • The Complaint Board does not handle complaints that fall within the jurisdiction of public authorities or other complaints or appeals boards, or that have been decided by a court of law or an arbitration tribunal. This also applies to cases decided by settlement in court or before an authority. For other grounds for refusal according to which the Complaint Board may or must refuse a complaint, see articles 3-6 of the Statutes of the Complaint Board here.
  • If a complaint is pending before a court, the judge may grant permission for the complaint to be referred for handling by the Complaint Board. For the related guidelines, click here. 

If you do not have the possibility of submitting your complaint via this website, you can contact the Complaint Board’s secretariat. The contact details appear at the bottom of the page.

When you are ready to submit your complaint, you should fill in a complaint form via this website. You must pay a complaint fee of DKK 300, which you can pay by Dankort when submitting your complaint online. Alternatively, you can make an online bank transfer to bank. Click here for information about bank account number. The complainant’s name must appear on the payment transfer. We will return the fee if you succeed with the complaint in full or in part, if you withdraw your complaint or if the Complaint Board cannot consider your complaint. You also have the option of paying the appeal fee in cash to the Secretariat.

The case is considered to be submitted to the Complaint Board when we have received the duly signed complaint form as well as the mandatory complaint fee of DKK 300. 

We have planned the complaints procedure so that you do not need to retain a lawyer or legal adviser.

However, you may at any time decide to seek independent advice or be represented or assisted by a third party. If you choose to retain a lawyer to act on your behalf, you should note that neither party must pay costs to the other party in relation to the complaints procedure.

If you submit a complaint on someone else’s behalf, unless you are a lawyer, you must present a power of attorney. You must enclose the signed power of attorney as an attachment to your complaint. You will find a power of attorney form to fill in and sign here.

When filing the complaint, you must fill in the consent declaration in the complaint form about the Complaint Board’s electronic processing of data where you give consent to the following:

  • that the Complaint Board may disclose all the information relating to the complaint to the financial institution(s) in question,
  • that the financial institution(s) in question may provide information about you to the Complaint Board regardless of the financial institution confidentiality obligation,
  • that the Complaint Board may receive all information about you from all parties - including social, health, criminal offences and other personal information - to be used by the Complaint Board when processing your complaint,
  • that processing, safekeeping and exchange of information between the parties and the Complaint Board is carried out electronically, and
  • that all information regarding the complaint is saved by the Complaint Board 5 years after the complaint has been processed. Hereafter, all information is deleted, unless the Complaint Board in special cases assesses that further safekeeping is necessary.

If you disclose personal data about anyone else but yourself, you must obtain this person’s consent that his/her personal data may form part of your complaint and may be processed by the Complaint Board and the financial institution(s) involved.

Withdrawal: At any time, you may withdraw your consent to the Complaint Board’s processing of data.

If this is the case, please contact the Secretariat of the Complaint Board. If you withdraw your consent, the data will be deleted and will no longer be accessible. Non-decided cases by the Complaint Board will be considered to be withdrawn, the case will be closed and the complaint fee will be refunded. Withdrawing the consent will not affect the legality of the processing of personal data up to the time of the withdrawal and it will not affect the legality of a decision already made.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, you can contact the Complaint Board’s secretariat on weekdays between 10:00 am and 12:00 pm on tel. no. +45 35 43 63 33 or by e-mail to